Social action

As part of its solidarity commitment to society, Kern Pharma works with NGOs, associations, public bodies, academic institutions and not-for-profit organisations working in Spain and abroad.
Within the company, there are different corporate volunteering actions with the FEB, Theodora Foundation and Prodis. The employees also collaborate in "Posem-li pebrots al càncer" of Oncolliga, an action in which they help in the sale of solidarity peppers to raise funds for people with cancer and their families. In addition, there is a Corporate Volunteering Commission, which employees can sign up and collaborate in the decision making of Kern Pharma in matters of social responsibility.


Since 2016, Kern Pharma has been collaborating with Farmamundi by donating to its Humanitarian and Emergency Aid Fund (FAHE), which is earmarked for immediate action to be taken in natural disasters, armed conflicts and chronic public health situations. Kern Pharma also donates pharmaceutical products to meet current needs on the ground and these are then distributed by Farmamundi’s Logistics and Humanitarian Division to the hospitals, medical dispensaries and mother and baby clinics that need them most.
This cooperation only serves to strengthen the company’s commitment to make medication accessible to the people that need it the most, a goal that is founded on the company’s very raison d’être: to care for people’s health and quality of life.
Aldeas Infantiles SOS

Kern Pharma has been a ‘Future Builder’ of the Business Platform of Aldeas Infantiles SOS since 2008. During this time, the pharmaceutical company has launched several different campaigns to raise funds for the Agadir village. It has also joined the 'Becas comedor' [Food subsidy] programme, rounding down the salaries of Indukern Group employees who voluntarily agreed to participate in the scheme. te.
In 2018 Kern Pharma donated 500,000 doses of azithromycin to contribute to the eradication of yaws as part of the ISGlobal project, headed by Spanish doctor Oriol Mitjà. The aim is to discover how many doses of mass drug treatment are needed to eradicate this condition, one of the so-called “forgotten diseases” that affects children in particular, causing skin ulcers and severe bone deformities. Kern Pharma's donation has already arrived in Papua New Guinea where 50,000 people, mostly children, have started treatment.