About Kern Pharma

Kern Pharma is a pharmaceutical laboratory that is part of the family-based company Grupo Indukern. Its activity currently centers around six lines of business:

Generic Medicinal Products

Kern Pharma is a leader in the development, manufacturing and marketing of generic medicinal products.


It is the division focused on marketing products for pharmaceutical recommendation.


Biologics is Kern Pharma's division focused on biosimilar medicines.

Women’s health

Under the brand GyneaKern Pharma markets a wide range of products for women’s health.


Kern Pharma markets its line of health and sports nutrition under this brand.

Production for third parties

Kern Pharma has the confidence of large companies in the sector that entrust the manufacture of their products.

Internationally, the laboratory has two subsidiaries, one in Portugal, Pharma Kern, and another one in the United States. In addition, the company carries out important export activities, manufacturing products for international laboratories and boosting internationalization of its products through agreements with local distributors. Currently, Kern Pharma It is present in almost all the countries of the European Union.

The company adheres to its growth strategy by investing in R+D+I with the aim of generating and maintaining an optimum product portfolio that allows it to cover the current and future needs of the market.

Its team, consisting of more than 940 professionals, is responsible for offering the best solutions to patients, doctors and pharmacists day after day.

Kern Pharma in figures

Comprehensive quality policy

Kern Pharma’s management system for comprehensive quality, within which it carries out its activities, is another demonstration of its commitment to health, people’s quality of life and sustainability.

The aim is to work efficiently regarding the quality of the product, quality of the service, prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection. To do this, all parties need to be involved from the management of the company to the suppliers and distributors, passing through to each and every one of our collaborators.



Kern Pharma has a team with extensive experience in the sector led by:

Raúl Díaz-Varela

Executive Vice President of Grupo Indukern

Chairman of Kern Pharma

Kern Pharma is organised into eight large areas which allows it to successfully face future challenges: Operations, Commercial and Marketing, International, Scientific-Technical, Business Development, Quality, People, Finance and IT.